Someone Smashed Into Tyler Seguin's Ferrari And Then Pulled A Giant Scumbag Move On Him

I can’t imagine ever owning a Ferrari, but if I did I would protect that thing with my life. But sometimes in life you look both ways to cross the street, see no cars coming, then get struck by lightning. You can protect a car with your life but it just takes one asshole to hit your parked car while you’re grabbing food to really fuck your day up.

Tyler Seguin was the latest victim. Seguin owns a white Ferrari 458 (picture above from 2014, not when his car was hit) and posted a story to his Instagram with someone leaving a note on it, saying they hit his car and didn’t have money to pay for the damages. The ultimate scumbag move.

It actually doesn’t get any worse than this person right here. Imagine going to dinner and parking your car outside a nice restaurant and coming back to see this? Not only did you just pay far too much for your meal, but now you have to deal with your Ferrari getting smashed.

At least come up with something clever. I can’t help but think of the scene from the Hangover here. “Couldn’t find the meter, but here’s 4 bucks.”

Luckily, Seguin makes a decent $9.85m per season and fixing his Ferrari won’t even make a dent in his bank account but still a piece of shit move.

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